
Сообщения за апрель, 2024


​ Work is an integral part of our life. Without work people get bored and insecure. Money is not the only reason why people work. Many professions need to be developed and justified over a period of time. For example, when teachers, doctors, artists, composers don’t work for a long time they start losing their skills. When they do work, they develop their creative abilities and establish themselves in society. To be honest for many people work means only a source of income. People work to fend for themselves and to support their families. They work long hours and endure tight schedules. It is certainly bad. When someone doesn’t like what he is doing, sooner or later he gets stressed or depressed. I don’t think that someone can be successful at work without taking pride in what he does. People who really enjoy their occupation seem to be always happy. They can work all day long spending hours to explore new ideas. To be out of work for a long time makes such people sad and lonesome. The...


​Charity Charity is quite popular nowadays. People have become more open and kind-hearted. On the whole, charity means voluntary giving of help to those who are in need. Charitable giving can include the act of giving money, goods, time, attention and kindness to the unfortunate. Most forms of charity mean providing basic items of necessity, such as food, water, clothing, shelter, healthcare and else. There are so many charitable organizations in the world today. They allow people to donate either directly or online, through websites. Charitable organizations also include orphanages, food banks, religious institutes and hospitals for the poor. Donating things you don’t use anymore is one of the forms of charity. Not everyone is lucky enough to have lots of toys or warm clothes for winter. Sometimes people simply can’t find the job to earn enough money. Others are sick, disabled or elderly and can’t get around on their own. These are the cases when charity helps. If everyone made charit...


​ Money has been the most disputable matter throughout the human history. What is money for? And when did it appear? Money is a universal means of payment and a means of exchange. It appeared thousands of years ago. First people used things like animal skin and precious metals as money. But it wasn’t easy to carry and store them. The money we use nowadays is made of paper and cheap metals. They are banknotes and coins of different value. Everybody uses money in our modern world. We all need money, we think about it and work for it. It is difficult to imagine today’s life without banknotes and coins, credit cards and cash. Modern technologies have influenced the way of payment: and plastic cards are becoming more and more popular today and they can be accepted even abroad. It’s really convenient and safe for travelers because you don’t have to carry the money in your wallet or exchange the currency in order to make purchases in foreign countries. We need money to live and buy desired th...

Crime and punishment

​ https://aspiringyouths.com/essay/crime-and-punishment/


​ https://englex.ru/talking-about-reported-speech/?ysclid=luqn2wgb4f610558738