
1. What kind of things do you think about when you think of ‘globalisation’? What is it? What does it involve?

2. How has globalisation affected you personally?

3. What products does your country export to the world? Has this trade helped the people of your country?

4. What foreign imports do you buy? Are they more or less expensive than locally produced products? Are they better quality?

5. Some people say the availability of brands like McDonald's and Starbucks in every country is a bad thing. What do you think? Do you ever buy from these or similar brands?

6. How would you feel if a large employer in your country decided to relocate to another country where the wages were lower?

7. Who benefits most from globalisation?

8. What are the positive and negative consequences of globalisation?


  1. 1. When I think about of ‘globalisation’ such terms like integration and unification come to mind. Globalisation is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide. It is the process by which ideas, knowledge, information etc. spread around the world. If we talk about business globalisation is used in an economic context to describe integrated economies marked by free trade, the free flow of capital among countries, easy access to foreign resources. Globalisation involves not only economic context but it also involves political, cultural and religious integration and unification.

  2. 8. Of course globalisation has the positive and the negative consequences.
    The Positive consequences of globalisation:
    1. Globalisation has enabled lagging cointries to access advanced technologies and experiences of
    economically developed countries.
    2. The allocation of resources has become more rational
    3. The process has made it possible to identify weaknesses in the economies of the lagging countries and to adjust their further development.
    4. In politics globalisation manifest in communication among countries in solution ecological problems, worls conflicts etc.
    5. Achievements of world culture and art became available to all inhabitants of the planet. For example, nowadays there are many virtual tours of the best museums un the world etc.

    The negative consequences of globalisation:
    1. One of the main problem is loss of uniqueness and sovereignty in mane aspects.
    2. Small companies within the country often cannot compete with large and strong transcontinental enterprises.
    3. Another big problem is environmental degradation.
    4. Many people do not like this process. Therefore, The Anti-globalization movement is developing etc.


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