
Сообщения за февраль, 2023

Listening challenge

​ Working with new people  http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/english-at-work/36-working-with-someone-new Anna's just back from France where everything went really well. But she's in for a surprise. Rachel, the woman who Mr Socrates recommended, has arrived. Could this be the beginning of a beautiful working relationship or will there be trouble? How will Anna deal with working with someone new? Language for working with someone new This episode focuses on what to say when you start working with someone new. Phrases from the programme: I understand you have lots of experience so I would like to use your skills to help with the task. Together we can do this job really well. Let's discuss this so we can agree on a plan of action. Please respect my decision and let's move on. Listening Challenge What fruit does Rachel think they are sending to the new client?

Economics. Stock market

​ 1)  Match the words (1 – 8) with their corresponding definitions (a – h):  1. stock exchange 2. labour market 3. insurance market 4. bond market 5. retail market 6. wholesale market  7. futures market 8. expense account a. the number of people who are available to work, considered together with all the available jobs b. a place where goods are sold to the general public for their own use, not for resale c. the activities connected with buying and selling shares in companies d. a place where contracts to buy or sell shares, goods, or currency at an agreed price to be delivered in  the future are agreed e. a system that allows you to get back from your employer any of your own money that you have spent while working f. selling goods (especially in large quantities) to shopkeepers, for sale to the public g. a place where interest-bearing securities, redeemed after a fixed period, are traded h. a place where financial protection for property, life, health, etc. against specified risks (a

Family and Relationship. Новая лексика + упражнения

Family and Relationship. Список слов father- in- law — тесть, свёкр mother- in- law — теща, свекровь  son- in- law — зять daughter- in -law — невестка stepfather — отчим stepmother — мачеха stepson — пасынок stepdaughter — падчерица adopted child — приемный сын или дочь widow — вдова widower — вдовец orphan — сирота foster child — воспитанник, приемыш adopted child — усыновленный ребенок extended family — семья из нескольких поколений aquaintance — знакомый bosom friend — закадычный друг be engaged to — быть помолвленной с…. break off the engagement — разорвать помолвку fiancé and fiancée — жених и невеста bride and groom — невеста и жених (новобрачные) nice couple — приятная пара single — одинокий (без пары) bachelor —  холостяк unmarried — неженатый make a proposal – сделать предложение (о вступлении в брак) marriage — брак, замужество be divorced — быть в разводе break up — разойтись run the house — вести хозяйство raise — поднимать (ставить на ноги) family reunion — воссоединение с

Complex object

​ Упражнение 1.  Постройте предложения, используя конструкцию сложного дополнения. ПРИМЕР. What do you want us to do? — I want you to ring up the doctor. What do you want your brother to do? (to say a few words) What would you like your sister to do? (to wash the dishes) Where do you want us to go? (to hurry) What would you like them to do now? (to get ready for the classes) What do you expect me to do in such a situation? (to tell the truth) Упражнение 2.   Найдите предложения с конструкцией  Complex Object  . Напишите номера предложений в комментариях. 1. Parents want their children to respect them. 2. Parents don’t want their children to ignore them. 3. Children don’t want their parents to shout at them. 4. Children don’t want their parents make fun of them. 5. Parents mustn’t let their children make fun of each other. 6. Teenagers don’t want to be dependent on parents. 7. Parents want their children to be independent. 8. All people want to have somebody to rely on. 9. All children