Family and Relationship. Новая лексика + упражнения

Family and Relationship. Список слов

  1. father-in-law — тесть, свёкр
  2. mother-in-law — теща, свекровь
  3.  son-in-law — зять
  4. daughter-in-law — невестка
  5. stepfather — отчим
  6. stepmother — мачеха
  7. stepson — пасынок
  8. stepdaughter — падчерица
  9. adopted child — приемный сын или дочь
  10. widow — вдова
  11. widower — вдовец
  12. orphan — сирота
  13. foster child — воспитанник, приемыш
  14. adopted child — усыновленный ребенок
  15. extended family — семья из нескольких поколений
  16. aquaintance — знакомый
  17. bosom friend — закадычный друг
  18. be engaged to — быть помолвленной с….
  19. break off the engagement — разорвать помолвку
  20. fiancé and fiancée — жених и невеста
  21. bride and groom — невеста и жених (новобрачные)
  22. nice couple — приятная пара
  23. single — одинокий (без пары)
  24. bachelor —  холостяк
  25. unmarried — неженатый
  26. make a proposal – сделать предложение (о вступлении в брак)
  27. marriage — брак, замужество
  28. be divorced — быть в разводе
  29. break up — разойтись
  30. run the house — вести хозяйство
  31. raise — поднимать (ставить на ноги)
  32. family reunion — воссоединение семьи

​Task 1. Вставьте в предложения следующие слова и фразы:

the whole family
a very close family
a big family
family tree
a big family reunion

1. I come from … . I’ve got four brothers and two sisters.

2. We’re … . We see each other almost every day and if ever I’m in trouble, I know I can turn to one of them for help.

3. It’s my son’s eighteenth birthday next week. We’re hoping to get … together.

4. My wife and I are celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary soon. We’re planning to have … .

5. When I was researching my … . I found out that my great-great-grandfather came over to England from Ireland 120 years ago.

Task 2. Choose the right answer. Only one answer is correct.

1. (An orphan, A foster child, An adopted child)is a child whose parents are dead.
2. Jack and Jill quarreled a lot and finally decided to (grow apart, quit, break up).
3. The wedding feast went on until midnight but the ___________and the __________left before that (wife and husband, bride and groom, fiancé and fiancée).
4. He was still (alone, bachelor,  lonely) at the age of 50.
5. James had known Sally for three years before he made (an offer, a suggestion, a proposal).
6. She (broke off, stopped, refused) her engagement.
7. A (widow, widower, widowed) is a man whose wife has died and who hasn’t married again.
8. In high school, Mike didn’t (have meetings, have appointments, make dates) with girls. He was too shy.
9. A (bosom friend, comrade, mate) is a very close friend who you rely on and trust the most.
10. Helen, I want to (divide, share, lead) my life with you! Will you marry me, darling?

Task 3. 

1.To go out with

а) Not to live or work together any more

2.To hang out with

b) To become smb’s husband or wife

3.To break up

c) To spend a lot of time in a particular place or

with particular people (informal)

4.To make up

d) To be no longer married to your wife or 


5.To get married

e) To become friendly with smb again after you

have had an argument

6.To get divorced

f) To have a romantic relationship with smb


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